History has shown how Miss Graham went into a more theatrical mode after that period.
When these places come to life in a theatrical mode, we begin to see our everyday world as more elevated, full of sensual information that reawakens a lot of our senses.
In the last decades of the century, four other theatrical modes from Italy - which did not follow the rigid rules of classical theater - flooded the French stage:
"Make it new," Ezra Pound admonished the modern artist, and Brakhage, who died in March at 70, took up the call, liberating cinema from novelistic and theatrical modes.
Mr. Lloyd Webber is the master of this theatrical mode.
The variety and mix of these theatrical modes justified and explained changing the theatre's name, after only one year, from "Comédiens de bois" to "Ambigu-Comique" when Audinot substituted child-performers for marionettes.
U.S. politics is in theatrical mode - the reality is just too ugly to mention.
The portrait of the composer that emerges is of a scrupulous miniaturist whose music expertly treads the line between contemporary pop and traditional theatrical modes and who wields an impressive verbal precision.
Many contemporary noise rock musicians, such as the Locust, Comparative Anatomy, and Lightning Bolt, have a very theatrical mode of presentation and wear costumes.
Before taking off, the troops were briefed by First Lt. Thomas Meehan, the unit commander, known when not in theatrical mode as Michael Glick of Oceanside, who works in credit management.