Medieval Catholic theology, especially the writings of Thomas Aquinas, had a powerfully Aristotelean cast, and thus term logic became a part of Catholic theological reasoning.
There is little in it of abstract theological reasoning.
The mother in Trimmer's text acts as a "spiritual leader" and demonstrates that a woman is capable of "theological reasoning".
That is, it was seen not only as a form of interfaith dialogue, but also as a form of philosophical or theological reasoning.
Rather than being just a formal preference, it is possible that this compositional device may involve some theological reasoning.
For them to say that this is a matter of theology is, simply, bad theological reasoning.
However, the main theological reasoning is unique.
In the debates over the last twenty years there has been considerable interplay of theological and sociological reasoning, with social scientists also contributing to papers and discussions.
Robert Grant, has noted that Justin did not provide much detail into the theological reasoning behind early Church practices.
However, a number of other Catholic doctrines about the Virgin Mary have been developed by reference to sacred scripture, theological reasoning and Church tradition.