Drofo, in his commentaries, provided a number of valuable theoretical insights.
We eat today from the science that has built on the theoretical insights and experimentation of Boussingault.
In the past three decades, considerable theoretical insight has been achieved with respect to the expected behaviors of such large genetic regulatory networks.
He elaborated a circumstantial analysis of the market mechanism, with a theoretical insight unusual in his time.
Because this is a somatic event rather than an exclusively cognitive one, new information or theoretical insight will not shift the response.
It took five and a half years from the day of Marcus's key theoretical insight to the first space test.
Such an enterprise may prove both impractical and unlikely to yield any major new theoretical insights.
The conflict between this idea and experimental evidence that the weak interaction has a very short range requires further theoretical insight.
Lectures given by experts from politics, science and economy shall provide the participants with a theoretical insight.
In the 1970s, Huntington applied his theoretical insights as an advisor to governments, both democratic and dictatorial.