Founded in 1972 by Joe and Linda Edwards, Blueberry Hill serves its thick burgers with dollops of soft spread cheddar.
If you order Home's hamburger for lunch, don't wear your best suit: these thick, juicy burgers are not neat.
C Map Often credited with the thickest, juiciest burgers and best fries in town, this smart little retro diner offers an excellent variety of toppings and thick, rich milkshakes.
The thick burgers ($5) also come with those great home-cut, skins-on french fries.
Cajun Cool Cheeseburgers If Dad's grilling, he probably wants to cook up a thick, juicy burger.
The burger stand has sundaes, shakes, thick, fresh burgers and crispy curly fries just like the original in Madison Sq Park.
If you aren't up for gut-busting omelette platters, you can drop in for a thick burger or a sandwich.
Several individuals were currently chowing down on it in the form of thick burgers on buns.
Liz Ortecho slid two thick burgers onto the table - one with avocado and sprouts, one with jalapeno peppers and cheese.
The burger, thick and juicy, with a nice layer of char, is served on a glossy roll with a mound of crunchy, salty, hand-cut fries.