"I know all of them," said Felicidade Tavares, 48, a third-generation resident who runs the local tourism office.
This exhibition recognizes that many Taiwanese - recent immigrants and second- and third-generation residents - live in the museum's own neighborhood.
Maxine Brimmer, another local broker, is a third-generation resident.
Robert Dold is a third-generation resident of the 10th District of Illinois.
The town's white population includes many second- and even third-generation residents.
A fifth-generation American and third-generation resident of Newport, he left few written traces.
That will be this spring, and the painter (a third-generation resident) has already weighed in on my responsibilities as caretaker of this historical gem.
"Last year, a lot of old-timers sold, and prices have shot up," said Mr. Libby, a third-generation resident.
Erik Nicolaysen, 61, is a third-generation resident who runs an insurance agency in town.
Ernie Renzel was born as a third-generation resident of San Jose.