Should that thoughtful insight about Strictly Come Dancing go to everyone?
Still, the production was full of thoughtful insights and sometimes beautiful visual effects (Dryade pinned to the rear wall like a punk butterfly).
Senator Harvey Milstead was a proven leader with high morals and strong political instincts who offered thoughtful insight on the issues.
We were privileged to know him and our lives were truly blessed by his kind heart, generous spirit and thoughtful insight.
I'll try to answer as many as I can, but meanwhile, thanks for the fresh and thoughtful insights, which you can be sure will inform the column.
Some interesting and thoughtful insights and then I read Toby Young.
For more thoughtful insights into the world of film, the actor Matthew Modine proves to be a surprisingly acute observer.
If you're looking for a thoughtful insight into the differences between the two teams and their methods, though, that's for a different comic.
These two comedies are both poetic, playful, and irreverent pieces that provide for some thoughtful and comical insight into the human condition.
I have been inspired by Michael Kimmelman's thoughtful and poignant insight.