Through referrals, Emily gets to work at four other restaurants before she can finally open her very own tea garden.
He maintains a Web site ( but gets most of his business through referrals.
The best way to find any of these professionals is through referrals from a trusted friend, relative or associate.
"About 99 percent of new patients come to us through referrals, rather than advertising."
"Equity markets work through referrals, and women have just not been part of that referral system," she said.
Recruitment is carried out through referrals from professors and other students.
Often, the doctors are made aware of people who need help through referrals by community groups.
This usually happens through referrals by people already involved in modeling.
The hospital receives another 700 patients a year through referrals, mostly because they are interesting cases that complement the department's research or teaching activities.
But we also get members through referrals from existing owners, who really enjoy themselves.