But drug companies are tightly constrained in what they can say about their medicines.
No matter which presidential candidate Colombians choose in elections tomorrow, the new president will take over a government whose powers are tightly constrained.
With the budget already in huge deficit and monetary policy tightly constrained, no policy instruments would be available to counter the economic slowdown.
Economic demands by unions are thereby tightly constrained.
Mr. Krepon said he would allow for a system of unlimited defenses and tightly constrained offensive weapons.
All information must be tightly constrained or-" "Innocent people might die?
"Its geographical boundaries are tightly constrained, but its insights cover the whole of an experience that is peculiarly American."
Lawson liked to keep a close eye on progress; although this was a high-profile operation, that didn't mean it wasn't tightly constrained by budgetary controls.
However, the experimental evidence for Lorentz invariance is extremely good, so such theories are very tightly constrained.
Israel's space for peace diplomacy is tightly constrained.