But this seems not to have been clear to the bureaucracy.
These problems are too important to leave to the bureaucracy, which means that the governor herself should take charge.
"I guess economic and trade policies will be left to the bureaucracy for the time being," a Government official said.
Many others turned to the bureaucracy or to the professions.
A second reason is that this report leads to more bureaucracy, while we in Europe need less of it.
"These people are basically invisible to the bureaucracy, but they really care about their little town."
Worse, it gives ever more resources to the very bureaucracy that is responsible for the problem!
Over the last 80 years, the process for making land claims has evolved from revolution to bureaucracy.
Such groups have often felt shut out by the administration and expressed doubts about the changes to the bureaucracy.
A former detective, no doubt of it, accustomed to bureaucracy.