Several said a list of the top financial supporters of the Bush-Cheney ticket would reveal some, if not all, of the most influential voices on energy policy.
Even many of Mr. Dole's top supporters in New York State acknowledged that he had not lit a fire under the Republican electorate.
Certainly, Dr. Dean's top supporters expect that his opponents will seize upon the disclosure of these latest audits as further grist.
His other big rival, Howard Dean, is struggling to keep even his top supporters from abandoning him.
One of Lee's top supporters is a real estate agent who variously portrays a veterinarian, a gynecologist, and a Catholic priest.
A top supporter of the measures in both states said Mr. Schwarzenegger would participate in a series of public events this week to signal his stance.
They were among the top supporters of members of Congress as well, especially Republicans.
Kenneth L. Lay, Enron's chairman, is a top supporter of President Bush.
A top supporter said he favors negotiations to resolve the dispute over Iran's suspect nuclear program, while preserving Iran's rights.
Among Mr. Lieberman's top supporters is the health care industry - and, more specifically, pharmaceutical companies.