Shortly after the First World War tentative steps towards the implementation of a monopoly policy were being considered.
(f) consider regional initiatives towards the full implementation of the prohibition of child soldiers.
In addition, we are actively working towards the implementation of all the measures announced at our December meeting, which should provide additional support to the economy.
A final word: this is an area which will take us on towards the implementation of the Lisbon strategy.
The reality is that we know there was resistance, even amongst some Member States, towards the implementation of these measures.
At a time when we are working towards the implementation of a European area of freedom, security and justice, this coordination has become absolutely crucial.
With this directive, Europe is taking one more step towards the full implementation of the decisions taken at the G20.
Substantial progress has been achieved towards the implementation of the peace agreement though difficult challenges remain.
I think this is an important step towards the implementation of Daytona.
The idea is that access to land represents just the first step towards the implementation of a quality land reform program.