Vince Calder Hydrogen peroxide is a toxic by-product of respiration.
It explains how the normal release of the toxic oxidative by-products of metabolism (known as free radicals) that damage human DNA is halted.
Reportedly, what causes brain damage isn't lack of oxygen, per se, but the toxic by-products of metabolic processes that oxygen normally cobines with to render harmless.
Ultraviolet in wastewater treatment is replacing chlorination due to the chemical's toxic by-products.
Excrete toxic metabolic by-products such as urea, ammonia, and uric acid.
Vaporization is an alternative to burning (smoking) that avoids the inhalation of many irritating toxic and carcinogenic by-products.
Added to that was the problem that the production of CrO yielded toxic by-products of which Japanese manufacturers had great difficulty properly disposing.
The construction of nuclear power plants can destroy natural habitat for animals and plants or contaminate local land with toxic by-products.
This was a concern in aircraft and tanks as carbon tetrachloride produced highly toxic by-products when discharged onto a fire.
Some secondary and tertiary alcohols are less poisonous than ethanol because the liver is unable to metabolise them into these toxic by-products.