Red lead is also toxic and a known carcinogen for laboratory animals, though its carcinogenicity to humans has not been established.
But these reactions can also convert a less toxic carcinogen into a more toxic carcinogen.
Many of these chemicals are highly toxic carcinogens which are known to cause cancer.
These chlorinated compounds are emitted during cleaning applications, some of which are toxic and probable human carcinogens.
As cats lick themselves while they groom, they increase chances of taking in the toxic, cancer-causing carcinogens that gather on their fur, which are then exposed to their mucus membranes.
Q. How risky is aflatoxin, a toxic carcinogen that can grow on peanuts, for American consumers?
Dioxin is a highly toxic synthetic carcinogen that affects reproduction in fish, birds and mammals.
It is a strong oxidizing agent and a toxic carcinogen.
This method was all but abandoned upon the discovery that ethylene oxide was a toxic carcinogen.
CMRs - in other words, substances classified as carcinogens, mutagens or substances toxic to reproduction - must be banned under the new Toys Directive.