It relays the story of a massive toxic landfill near Guatemala City, and the local residents who scavenge there to eke out their meager living.
The well where the Holt family got their drinking water was only 500 feet away from a toxic landfill.
Neeson's life changed at Steung Meanchey, a toxic landfill just outside Cambodia's capital of Phnom Penh.
The Kerrigan house is built in a largely undeveloped housing tract, on a toxic landfill, beneath power lines, and directly adjacent to an airport runway.
Hamilton removed a toxic landfill leaking into the Creek, and made stream naturalization part of the construction project plan.
The 3 Ninjas must help find Jo's father and find a secret disk that contains evidence that could stop the toxic landfill that is destroying the Indian community.
In came crime, drugs, higher cancer rates linked to the toxic landfills, domestic violence - and an epidemic of teenage parenthood.
Also, simultaneously, residents of the contaminated Love Canal community were being evacuated from their homes because of an old toxic landfill.
A man's home is his you-know-what, even if that home is only a dilapidated eyesore built on toxic landfill and separated by a chain-link fence from an airport runway.
The 32-acre preserve, 10 times the size of Central Park, was once home to toxic landfills that contributed to the state's reputation as a waste dump.