Tin ingots were a trading currency unique to Malacca.
It has always been the world's trading currency, but now its position as the global reserve currency is stronger than ever.
These silver dollar coins played the role of an international trading currency for nearly four hundred years.
They told me that their boss made $100 million a year trading currencies, and that there were dozens like him making more money than I could imagine.
The dollar, a far more resilient currency than the prewar British pound, remains the world's principal reserve and trading currency.
Trading in common stocks in the future will be like trading currencies today.
Most of the overlap between the two companies would be in investment banking functions, like underwriting stocks and bonds and trading currencies.
The coins with 'turtle' design are considered "an important early trading currency".
With independent trading currencies, developing countries could barter their resources to the developed world for the latest industrial technologies.
It was a policy that had reaped dividends in every trading currency throughout the world.