We watched the kids and took turns translating the objects around us, laughing.
He translated around fifteen books from other languages including poems, stories and novels.
Herman translated Euclid's Elements around 1140, possibly in collaboration with Robert of Ketton.
Skinner translates popular words and phrases around value issues into his view of contingencies of reinforcement.
The first German texts were written to translate Latin religious books around 750 in the early Middle Ages.
It was a hallmark of his choreography from the very beginning that it translated the mood of the so-called real world around it.
Now, she has over 150 books in print, more of them translated and published around the world.
Moscow Gopalakrishnan translated around 80 works to Malayalam.
This translates into widespread tension around the body and an unsettled baby.
Barton translated the actions of the Annanuki in and around the temple: