They were translated to the new cathedral after its restoration in 1785.
Many of the tombstones on the floor were translated there from the south aisle or the north wall after 19th-centuary rebuilding.
Although the papers were captured in 1945, they weren't translated until 1975, after the Arab embargo.
His relics were eventually translated to Winchester after his death.
All the main sources for existentialism were written in other languages and only later translated, mostly after the 1950s.
However, this book was published and translated later, after his death (1956; trans.
The novel was translated almost immediately after publication into many other languages.
His remains were translated to a different burial spot in the cathedral ten years after his death.
The novel was translated into five other languages shortly after the first edition in Danish.
I also give you the assurance that this text will be translated into Russian the day after tomorrow.