She also wants to publicize the need for transplant donors, who can help to prolong the life of those suffering from cystic fibrosis, she said.
There may be no people more ambivalent about transplant donors than the patients, and I am no exception.
And that some are also secreted as possible transplant donors.
(Understandably so, because even after she has tracked down the transplant donor and has apparently liberated the ghost, the visions persist.)
Minority ethnic groups have difficulty finding a perfectly matched transplant donor; for them, the ability to transplant partially mismatched cord blood opens access to transplant therapy.
Recently Kelly explained how her parents carry a special bleeper which would go off when a suitable transplant donor was found.
In the new animal experiments, reported in Science, the transplant donors were put on a drastic diet totally lacking in essential fatty acids.
Harden also incorporated Dorry Segev and Summer Gentry's algorithm for matching transplant donors and recipients.
The known facts make it likely that a second transplant donor might have been found sooner if her plight had been publicized sooner.
But these stories are too often seen as isolated events with simple messages: recheck the doses of chemotherapy and the blood types of transplant donors and recipients.