And he reviews the many traumatic encounters between the United States and Iran over the last 50 years.
For some women these problems are fairly clear, including past sexual or other abuse, rape, or traumatic sexual encounters.
Yet from their traumatic encounter arose modern Mexico.
Judge's employer, Larry, is an elderly man who had a traumatic encounter with the Beast as a child.
Mother began analyzing them in context with not only the current surroundings, but in light of the recent traumatic encounter with the T'kaan.
And she has had a traumatic sexual encounter with an evangelist.
After a traumatic encounter with a certain wolf, Red has made it her business to kill every single flesh-eating beast she comes across, especially the ones that talk.
Most importantly they provide a safe passage for women living through the most traumatic encounter they are ever likely to have with men, the law and the state.
They confirm our impression that, following his traumatic encounter with the Czech police, he becomes considerably less talkative.
Give her little chance to see you coming, get ready for quite traumatic encounter, before you speak.