As he travels close to the sea, a school of fish leap into his plane, therefore slowing him down.
The researchers observed a frequency shift in the radio waves to and from the space craft, as those signals traveled close to the Sun.
Some scientists favored hot dark matter, particles that traveled close to the speed of light.
But neither have we mile-long spaceships that travel close to the speed of light.
Neutrinos are "hot," meaning they travel at velocities close to the speed of light.
I thought it better not to travel together so close to the Bright Demesne.
By traveling in a hyperbolic path down close to the star, he could use its gravity to further decelerate the ship.
The San Francisco was traveling close to top speed when it crashed.
They still faced several days of traveling dangerously close to the water before their trail could turn inland.
But by traveling close to the light-Speed within the Way, we have answered these questions and found new ones to ask.