This profile can be most conveniently observed traveling southbound on highway 101 from mileposts MEN 6.4 to 6.2.
Since Finch is the last station on the line, trains alternate which track they arrive on, and trains on both tracks travel southbound.
They were traveling southbound about two hours north of Bell Harbor.
Traveling southbound down the hills gives a scenic view of distant downtown Detroit contrasted with the surrounding woodland area.
Today, tolls are collected only from vehicles travelling southbound (entering Pennsylvania/leaving New Jersey).
Transit connection includes local bus routes travelling southbound on Main Street, near the west entrance:
It is the first and highest peak that one encounters traveling southbound on State Route 73.
The following routes travel southbound on Commercial Drive, with stops on both north and south side of Broadway intersection:
However, motorists may use Exit 5 in order to reverse direction and ultimately travel southbound on Route 3.
Traveling southbound on NY 590, two significant movements are restricted due to the composition of the expressway.