After verifying his claims, he voluntarily traveled back to Israel for trial.
This, in turn, prompts Kara to voluntarily travel into space with Brainiac, and she is last seen entering hyperspace high above Earth.
After this, Mosolov traveled voluntarily to the Turkmen and Uzbek republics to collect folk songs as a form of rehabilitation.
Some eyewitnesses reported Ms. Street being shepherded around at gunpoint, while others said she appeared to be traveling voluntarily and was free to leave at any time.
The students are not bused, he said; they travel voluntarily from all five boroughs.
Mr. Scilingo travelled to Spain voluntarily in 1998 and made his confession, but later recanted.
According to the chronicle, a repentant Lagmann voluntarily travelled to Jerusalem, where he died.
Anyone who traveled at that speed voluntarily on a seetar had to be crazy!
He traveled voluntarily via motorcade to the airport with his own retinue of security guards, including some contracted Americans.
He travelled voluntarily from the United States to Australia in May 2009 to face trial.