It's Rome at the end of the 21st century, after the toppling of the American empire, in a world that has fragmented into tribal chaos.
Peace is our only option at this point and this conference brings an opportunity to change Somalia in the interest of Britain and the international community who are threatened by its never ending instability and tribal chaos.
Instead, facing opposition at every turn, Ibn Habib ended up losing Morocco to tribal chaos, Spain to the Umayyads and Ifriqiya itself (eventually) to the Kharijites, leaving little for his legacy.
In unionist historiography the picture painted has been one of tribal chaos (with Norman invasion supposedly "creating order"), while that of nationalist historiography has been a Utopian harmony (supposedly destroyed by the invaders).
After Mr. Bush defenestrates Saddam and detangles Iraq's tribal chaos, Kim Jong Il and his six-pack of nukes will still be craving the American president's attention.
It is the sense of an England bloodily engaged in bashing out a national destiny from the tribal chaos which is best conveyed in this rich, poetic panorama.