Concepts of modern, political freedom intermingle with older yearnings for self-definition by language, religion and tribal myth, and the old ways do not die easily.
According to tribal myth, in the distant past before creation, they sky was on the top and the earth lies far below covered by the sea.
In between the program's four regional segments, American Indian storytellers are to present creation tales and tribal myths.
And it is their tribal myths expressed in animal imagery, vibrant colors and bold patterns that make them so eloquent, even witty.
There would be no medicine men, no retelling of old tribal myths.
"The Wandarang and other tribal myths of the Yabuduruwa ritual."
It came to be believed that the council they were made to obey since their rebirth was a tribal myth told to keep them in line.
This belief became the core of the tribal myth.
He was noted for his writings and books recording the tribal myths of Orissa.
All tribal myths are true, for a given value of 'true'.