They all went outside by way of the back door, Agnes, though about half a century Damon's senior, tripping along faster than he.
Oh, and I was almost forgetting," Elza resumed, while she tripped lightly along the gallery towards the stairs, "the smaller joy beside the greater-the greatest one!
(In the present show, two very pretty but undeniable Vuillardesque paintings of young women tripping along the street in Paris testify to that.)
As I was inhaling it I heard her steps tripping along the corridor.
On Grafton Street in November We tripped lightly along the ledge.
At first I thought it might be my heartbeat, but when I checked, I realized my pulse was tripping along faster than the drumbeat.
One second he was tripping along the path that went by the thick rhododendrons at the edge of the wood and the next he had gone.
Emblematic of Sperry, these slightly scruffy beasts are regular visitors, clambering on the porches, tripping along the trails, hunkering nonchalantly on the outcrops of cliffs.
Yet both of them tripped along the road as if they had been born, like Beatrice, under a dancing star.
At two Carrie came tripping along the walk toward him, rosy and clean.