Because of the cleanup, started in the early 90's, brown trout and rainbow trout are thriving once again.
By eliminating the competition, it was believed that trout would thrive.
Through the accident of creation and enlightened fishery management, Montana has the kind of habitat in which trout, and those who seek trout, thrive.
Brown trout thrive in the clear waters of the river.
But if the trout thrive, he will not allow any fishing in what he has already named for its future tenants: Brook Creek.
And like the sheep, the rabbits and the possum, trout have thrived.
Twenty-pound trout thrive in the region's lakes and rivers, and come autumn the hills are full of deer and elk.
Now trout are thriving in the borough once again, at least in this sophisticated artificial stream, lined with rocks carted from the Catskills.
Without competition from factory fish, the wild trout thrived.
A number of small streams contribute to the improvement of water quality, so that wild brown trout thrive as far as Worksop.