The steam grew thicker as they trudged ahead, steeply downhill.
At times, it seemed that only the solitary fire of Troy's will kept them stumbling, trudging ahead, striving.
Under those conditions, Stringer vomited three times during practice, was asked if he needed a break, but trudged ahead.
When the other man trudged ahead without making any reply, Dennis turned to pleading and eventually whining.
But he trudged ahead in one slogging steep after another, resting half a second between footfalls.
They were trudging ahead, making heavy weather of getting uphill with their burden.
He pushed a clump of ferns aside and trudged ahead.
As the Giants trudged ahead, that move paid off.
He trudged ahead, exhausted and burning from the spent incandescence of his power.
There was no place for a camp, so the weary group trudged ahead.