All vehicles, including Humvees, pickup trucks, even tanks, have a turbo mode that can be activated via the Shift key (by default).
Intel creates superb desktop chips, and they are now focussed on the right things (turbo modes, power).
With improved graphics and multiplayer features, the game also offered a unique "turbo mode" for Single Player gameplay.
However, when Donald tries to mow the main lawn with two lawnmowers at once, he accidentally sets them into turbo mode, losing control of them.
It was very easy to connect General Sound, with turbo mode at 10 MHz.
This model also featured a "turbo" mode (7 MHz instead of the original's 3.50 MHz).
The call was quickly answered by a female voice in turbo mode.
Opera has been using a similar approach for years to power the "turbo" mode of its desktop and mobile browsers.
He had been in his usual 'turbo mode' as he stormed up the face following a line of huge steps.
When in "turbo mode" he is known as Max Steel because he combines with an ultralink robotic companion named Steel.