This section is designed to measure the subject's rote memorization ability, which is a typical component of foreign language learning.
The design of structure bases on the principle of microfluidics and typical components are used in the platform.
Nevertheless, it is possible to describe some of the typical components that go to make up a paradigm.
They are herbivores; leaves, fruit, bark and flowers are typical components of the diet.
The electronic components themselves may be selected for their ability to withstand higher and lower operating temperatures than typical commercial components.
But in the recent period such rescues were a typical component of the financial landscape all over the world.
Leaves, flowers, and fruits of forbs are also typical components of the summer diet.
Figure 1 shows the typical main components of the setup of a neutron detection unit.
Illegal payments from the vice trade to the police were also typical components of these bargains.
A cashmere sweater, a linen vest or pants are typical components.