Before he could locate it, Weston heard a harsh, ugly chuckle.
Her mouth twisted into an ugly chuckle; she was staring past him.
His ugly chuckle showed that he was not too worried by Hilton's first refusal of his offer.
Jasper, alone, broke the tension with an ugly chuckle.
"Here's the way it works," explained Gats, with an ugly chuckle.
"You are now inhaling an etherized vapor," he announced, with an ugly chuckle.
Scanning them, he uttered an ugly chuckle that was for Bandrillo's benefit.
An ugly chuckle caused the physician to glance upward and meet the gaze of eyes that were before him.
"Oh, if you're trying to back out, of course I've no more to say," said the young seal with an ugly chuckle.
Rand brushed past him, and Jak let him by with an ugly chuckle.