They are given a copy of the unclassified summary of information, and aided by a "Personal Representative".
On April 23, 2010, a 52 page unclassified summary of Ghailani's 2007 Guantanamo interrogations was published in preparation for his trial.
An unclassified summary of the 250-page secret report is scheduled to be published this week.
In the unclassified summary of their findings, published in 1978, the Committee wrote:
An unclassified summary of the evidence must be presented to defendants in such cases.
The unclassified summary of this "Team B's" 300-page report was released last week and is a shocker.
The director of central intelligence recently published an unclassified summary of the evidence against Saddam Hussein and it is substantial.
There is a third option: the judge could permit the defense to introduce unclassified summaries of the data.
Mr. Dell'Orto said that while defendants would not be allowed to see classified evidence, defense lawyers would be given an unclassified summary of the material.
An unclassified summary of evidence memo was prepared on November 7, 2005 for Jawad's first annual Administrative Review Board.