A murderous, uncontrollable fury swept Morgon to his feet.
Morlacher bellowed, his massive figure seeming to swell with uncontrollable fury.
Sidney screamed the words in uncontrollable fury.
I saw her eyes blaze with quick, uncontrollable fury.
Even Britomart, who seems at times Spenser's ideal, is presented as open to uncontrollable fury because of her feminine nature.
He only succeeds in cutting off three of Pedro's fingers, and is filled with regret for his uncontrollable furies.
It's not easy to stay detached, so keep your fear at bay by transforming it into anger - not uncontrollable fury but angry determination.
He has an extremely short temper, provoking bursts of uncontrollable fury that leave him as little more than a berserker in battle.
The conservatives watched these developments with disbelief, then with dismay and finally with uncontrollable fury.
James was shaking with an almost uncontrollable fury.