I think it's the perfect avenue to uncover the far more pervasive treacheries and breaking of faith within the society itself.
However, an investigation into Sam's accident uncovers a murder and a nefarious power struggle within the company.
He predicted that "bosom will be uncovered within five years."
The organization has been responsible for uncovering a number of corruption scandals within the Burundian government and the business community in recent years.
The stone was uncovered as part of building material, within a wall.
The Federal Government requires nursing homes to correct all deficiencies uncovered within "a reasonable period."
Her masquerade would be uncovered within ten minutes of setting foot in a place where there were actual French-speakers.
There is currently an ongoing project to uncover, restore and conserve wall paintings within the monastery.
More extensive excavations took place in the 1960s which uncovered various timber buildings within the fort.
"We're a rogue operation - we are working outside of the government to uncover the conspiracy within the government."