The statement said that the island's police had worked closely with American authorities to uncover wrongdoing.
Ms. Snowe said she would still support an investigation if the new panel uncovered more wrongdoing.
Yet time and again, nonprofit boards have failed to uncover wrongdoing, pulled their punches or turned a collective blind eye.
These officials said that the report attested to the success of the union's stepped-up efforts to audit locals and uncover financial wrongdoing.
Mr. Rosimo's death, he said, "is what happens when you try to uncover major wrongdoing."
The recommendations included college degrees and polygraph tests for new recruits, and increasing efforts to uncover wrongdoing by the police.
Critics think auditors should be whistle-blowers, notifying the authorities if they uncover wrongdoing.
The collapse of Italy's old political order has, among other things, helped to uncover wrongdoing at Fiat.
If they uncover criminal wrongdoing, they refer the matter to state or federal criminal prosecutors.
Soon after investigators started their work, Mr. Mancuso said they uncovered more assaults and other wrongdoing.