Those gains had come not only from the Supreme Court under Chief Justices Earl Warren and Warren Burger but from the awakened conscience of Congress as well.
The one person, one vote language of the court under Chief Justice Earl Warren - language which the recent decision draws on - did exactly that, inspiring civil rights marchers in the 1960's.
However, under Chief Justice Earl Warren during the 1960s, an increasing number of rights were deemed sufficiently fundamental for incorporation.
For his first 13 years on the Court, Justice Brennan served under Chief Justice Earl Warren.
However, during the 1960s, the Court under Chief Justice Warren took the process much further, making almost all guarantees of the Bill of Rights binding upon the states.
He said he saw no reason to try to reverse the expansion of criminal defendants' rights that occurred under Chief Justice Earl Warren.
Justice Harlan was perhaps the most significant critic of the Supreme Court's activist trend under Chief Justice Earl Warren.
In 1966 Bozell published The Warren Revolution, a scholarly critique of the Supreme Court of the United States under Chief Justice Earl Warren.
The court under Chief Justice Earl Warren is often held up as a model of a different way of picking the court.
Only later was a full investigation made of the events in Dallas by a commission under Chief Justice Earl Warren, which produced 26 volumes of evidence.