In this, they hope to use his knowledge to help thwart any attacks that are carried out using the giant underground maze.
A light glowed in the midst of this underground maze.
He was curious about the purpose of the underground maze.
Players control the Digger, a small construction vehicle that must make its way through an underground maze.
Away from the direction that he wanted, The Shadow was deep in the underground maze.
But the slit didn't lead to a side chamber like all the others; it was the entrance to yet another underground maze.
Blade didn't like the idea of searching an underground maze for an elevator which probably no longer worked.
In bookstore Author is led through underground maze to lectern.
Television pictures showed them singing and dancing as they were released from the underground maze of rooms.
The entire club is connected by an underground maze of corridors, tunnels and roads, some big enough to drive a car through.