She first goes to college where she earns her BTS in two years, undertaking internships along the way.
He undertook a roadside planting, irrigation and re-vegetation program along North East Road including a local school.
Here he left the ships to again cross overland to Buenos Aires, with the intention of undertaking botanical and other scientific work along the way.
A police boat is used by the unit to undertake marine patrols along the Sussex coastline and during diving operations.
They came from Europe not long ago to undertake various expeditions along the Eastern Seaboard.
She also undertook survey work along the Canadian Pacific coast.
She undertook survey work along North West Australia.
Sue Podger undertook an extended trip along the Gulf Province in early 1971 across seven villages.
Each team also has a team leader, and follow separate paths to the fortress, undertaking different challenges along the way.
By mid-July an armistice came into effect and the 21st Brigade subsequently undertook garrison duties along the coast.