He liked the dark because his weak eyes were unduly sensitive to light.
Luna shrugged and followed her example, not unduly sensitive about the matter.
Several experts believe that some women are unduly sensitive to postpartum hormonal swings.
"Looking for information that would prove to Valyn that you were not being unduly sensitive, Shana."
She was used to her mother's bitter tongue, and she was not unduly sensitive.
The eyes might be unduly sensitive to light, smoke and other irritants.
He did not think much about it at the time, not being unduly sensitive.
Unduly sensitive on such points by reason of his own past, he had the look of one completely ground down to the last indignity.
In this situation, we have therefore tried to avoid adopting unduly sensitive positions until the facts of the case are known.
This metric identifies underutilized channels and is not unduly sensitive to atypical network flow patterns.