Newcastle and Pitt joined in an uneasy coalition in which Pitt dominated the military planning.
Memories of the war and of the bloody repression that followed it were carefully nurtured in order to keep together the uneasy Francoist coalition.
The first step has to be a request for help from Burundi's civilian Government, an uneasy coalition of Hutu and Tutsi.
Thaksin said he would now form a one-party administration, ending his uneasy coalition with Chart Thai.
At the same time, there is a larger, often uneasy coalition of black leaders that is coordinating efforts with those close to the mayor.
The rival claimant for power is an uneasy coalition led by the Congress Party, which scored a more impressive showing than seemed possible a couple of months ago.
The more likely outcome is an uneasy coalition built around the center-left, some Congress Party elements and various splinter groups.
This time their uneasy coalition should be more stable, if only because it is one-sided.
The failure of the Mengistu regime is shown by the success of this uneasy coalition.
We're in an uneasy coalition.