Equity: Does the strategy unfairly benefit some at the expense of other regions, generations, or economic classes?
Neither side is buying commercial time on television, largely because of Government rules that proponents fear would unfairly benefit opponents.
In order to comply with EU standards, many of the country's monopolistic legislation that unfairly benefited co-operatives were overturn.
They opposed the system based on past import records, as did Ecuador, because they contended that would unfairly benefit Chiquita.
Other unions, including the firefighters' union, have actively lobbied against the plan, saying that it would unfairly benefit the police.
Many Palestinians have expressed concern that a few powerful men or companies will benefit unfairly.
"Were scores deliberately changed after the fact to unfairly benefit certain contractors?"
The Danish Economic Council criticized this as unfairly benefiting current homeowners.
But some owners of smaller farms have fought the assessments, charging that they unfairly benefit larger farmers as well as giant agribusiness interests.
Like other critics, Mr. Reinhardt said the plan unfairly benefited those in high tax brackets while lower-income workers went without any health care coverage.