An Eakins photograph from 1883 shows an unidentified student, a male standing in a field with his back to us.
The tradition culminated in 2008 when a group of unidentified students led a local zebra to the third floor of Seney and barricaded the windows, doors, and elevator.
The following day, Wentzky admitted to having a sexual relationship with at least one student in a sworn statement and that unidentified student also admitted to the intimate relationship.
Says one unidentified student: "I walked into the interview, and before the guy even says, 'Hi, how are you doing?'
The New York Post quoted one of the unidentified students in today's editions as saying the incident was a joke.
In 2008, he was the subject of an investigation by Daniel I. Linzer into whether Lavine fabricated quotes from unidentified students for use in the alumni magazine.
There are also some unidentified students resembling the monsters from The Brain from Planet Arous, The Crawling Eye, and other films.
An unidentified student who was Maced while climbing on the goal post was brought into Washington's dressing room to recover.
They were responding to a call from an unidentified student who said she believed there was someone with a gun loose in the school.
There was also notice that the unidentified student who recorded and posted the video will be disciplined.