How can I forget Don Buddin, the shortstop, losing a ground ball in his uniform jersey?
The team thanked the Mayor by giving him a uniform jersey that all the players had signed.
Like some other pitchers, Hernández wears a long-sleeved undershirt beneath his uniform jersey.
Gooden had returned there between innings to change his uniform jersey and received what he described as "a good pep talk" from the manager.
The mascot, a dog named Ace, is featured in this helmet, along with the uniform jersey and pants.
The player number is on the back of the uniform jersey, and is not accompanied by the player name.
Brown did not even wear long sleeves under his uniform jersey on a chilly night.
He wears a uniform jersey that could serve as a tent for a few toddlers and pants that are baggy enough to hold watermelons.
In 1918, the A's Elephant Mascot turned up on the regular uniform jersey for the first time.
If that means wearing a uniform jersey that looks bulky enough to cover a pool, do it.