The effect is much more complex and ornate than a uniform row.
This illustrates a mystery of 19th-century real-estate development in New York: who or what was the common agent that produced such a uniform row?
Nothing around them but neat uniform rows of vacant seats.
On the main floor of the cavern, she saw hundreds of shining metal beds in row upon uniform row.
And its uniform rows of houses represent a vision of conformity that has little to do with urban life.
They passed between two uniform rows of trees.
For the first time in Iran these buildings carry brick decorations to compensate for the monotonous and uniform rows.
The avenue was fenced with tall water-cane set together in uniform rows.
In summer, there is usually a uniform row of light-coloured spots along either side of the dorsal stripe from the shoulders to the rump.
There are cystic spaces surrounded by two uniform rows of cells with centrally placed pyknotic nuclei.