After all, most of us were there in a search for uninterrupted stretches of keyboard time.
It interconnects the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans, and provide an uninterrupted stretch for the prevailing westerly winds to significantly increase wave amplitudes.
Of these, only Lockerbie is still in use, and the Lockerbie-Carstairs section is the longest stretch of UK railway uninterrupted by a station .
After several bouts of rapid change, the experiment ended with an uninterrupted stretch of 1,700 generations in which changes in cell size appeared to have settled down.
One side of the island is open to the Gulf of Mexico, with long, uninterrupted stretches of beach, and the other faces Pine Island Sound, its edges fringed with mangroves.
Grades and understanding improved when they set aside an uninterrupted stretch of a few hours.
Even so, we were concerned that an uninterrupted stretch of four days might exhaust her consuming interest in nearly eveything that moves in the woods.
This third marriage will bring together two people for what could well turn out to be the longest uninterrupted stretch of matrimony in their lives--from, say, the late thirties until one of the partners dies.
You won't get an uninterrupted stretch of the baby sleeping 10-12 hours, but you will get about five hours and then another good uninterrupted stretch after a night feeding.
There is a large, uninterrupted stretch of water on the north half of the lake.