They are uniquely characterized by their opisthaptor having a lot of tiny clamps on the lateral margins.
A material with a rising R curve, however, cannot be uniquely characterized with a single toughness value.
It is uniquely characterized by the following properties:
More generally, developmental robotics is uniquely characterized by the following three features:
This type of needle phobia is uniquely characterized by a two phase vasovagal response.
The sequence of complementary polynomials Q corresponding to the P is uniquely characterized by the following properties:
In addition to the techniques common to classical guitar, flamenco guitar technique is uniquely characterized by:
Around the same time Richard Dedekind showed that the natural numbers are uniquely characterized by their induction properties.
The γ-factors are uniquely characterized by their role in the functional equation and a list of local properties, including multiplicativity with respect to parabolic induction.
The tensor product is uniquely characterized by this property, up to a unique isomorphism.