Because Hamas exercises power inside Gaza, it is responsible for stopping unlawful attacks even when carried out by other groups.
We call on the authorities of all countries to protect all diplomatic premises and foreign citizens against unlawful attack.
Where a person is actually being made the subject of an unlawful attack by another, he is entitled to act in self-defence, and use force to do so.
Two counts of unlawful attacks against civilians were dismissed.
Article 17 also protects people against unlawful attacks to their honor and reputation.
Upon the chapter's request Ulrik will offend all unlawful attacks on chapter estates.
He chose the last alternative justifying his intention to kill Hitler by his legal right to defend others against unlawful, ongoing, criminal attacks.
A person acts in "self-defence" when he defends his own body against unlawful attack by someone else.
As a re-sult of the unprovoked and unlawful attack upon his soldiers.
Assault An unlawful attack by one person on another, with or without a weapon, that inflicts, or attempts or threatens to inflict, physical injury.