Moreover, it said, the materials "are not so purely partisan as to be unlawful, in light of our prior decisions and opinions."
The order to assemble had not been made at an assembly, and was therefore unlawful in the popular view.
The practice which had become so popular was both dangerous and, the correspondent thought, likely to be unlawful, particularly in the risk of harming others.
Such employment is unlawful in Switzerland for two weeks before and six weeks after childbirth.
Maybe singing and dancing are unlawful in this place.
This decision is also being challenged as unlawful in court in 2013.
But homosexuality is unlawful in some other countries.
So the Law Lords considered whether a threat to strike could be 'unlawful' in this sense.
The regulation on European political parties is discriminatory and thus unlawful in the ordinary course of things.
He expressed a test for deciding whether a termination would be unlawful or not in this way: