The coroner's jury must first determine whether the death occurred in an unlawful manner, and then name, if possible, the person or persons responsible for the death.
Authorities in jurisdictions that favor strong gun control policies will typically prosecute people for the mere fact they were carrying a firearm in an unlawful manner, regardless of actual intent.
On the very day of his consecration, his sons, Nadab and Abihu, were consumed by fire from the Lord for having offered incense in an unlawful manner (Leviticus 10).
Major L. D. Walker, a spokesman for the Seventh Division, said: "The incident occurred when the soldiers allegedly discharged their weapons in an unlawful manner.
Instead, the injury consists of the taxpayer's mental displeasure that money extracted from him is being spent in an unlawful manner.
And we all know how israels covert agency the mossad functions in a an unruly and unlawful manner having no adccountability.
In agreement, others in the audience argued that California lands that had previously belonged to Mexico were acquired by the United States in an unlawful manner.
However, I believe that can only be achieved alongside policies that provide effective control over our borders and prevent anyone from entering this country in an unlawful manner.
These double eagles were never lawfully issued, but instead, were taken from the United States Mint at Philadelphia in an unlawful manner more than 70 years ago.
If this is done in an unlawful manner, I would expect the Council and Commission to send a clear signal in the direction of Kiev.