Many organizations realized their individual application forms were an unreasonable burden for survivors and began working on a shared database.
Apart from the taxes themselves, does the process of collecting them impose an unreasonable burden on the American citizenry?
If you think that sounds like an unreasonable burden for WiFi operators, you're not alone.
However, use of the emotive word relief implies that all tax is an unreasonable burden to begin with.
The standards established by Congress are: to avoid unreasonable burdens and to promote public access to such information.
The result is delayed justice for litigants and an unreasonable burden on the courts.
Will not create an unreasonable burden on the educational facilities of the municipality.
Will not create an unreasonable burden on the municipality in providing governmental services.
Some opponents complain that the estate tax imposes an unreasonable burden on the owners of small businesses and farms.
I am concerned about placing an unreasonable burden on public bodies.