This equipment is really there, in the spiritual, unseen realm.
For him the world had become a darker place, laughter fleeing to another, unseen realm.
A path is opened in the unseen realms, and once a point of contact was established, mighty powers were put in play along that path.
That's the right word to describe her developing interest in unseen realms of experience - things you can't see, touch or measure and yet know to be real.
Their spiritual combat spans from one-on-one battles to vast armies charging into each other in the "unseen realms" above us.
One of us had to, and I was more used toSeeing the unseen realms.
Hear me, realms unseen.
But in the same instant the unseen realm opened before him.
Mind you this one: all realms seen and unseen.
He paused, looked about, and spoke quietly to himself, "A witness to my resurrection must be made also in realms unseen.